Talk about relieved and happy. For years my pulse has been around 100 to 110 beats a minute. Until recently I thought the norm was 60 to 80 and I felt there was something wrong with my heart though, like a typical male, I didn't do anything about it except worry.
Last month I googled about heart rates and found out that the norm was actually 60 to 100, and also that at 110 I may have a slight tachcardia. More anxiety. WELL, this morning while getting that all checked out at the VA Clinic, during my EKG I was happy to find out my pulse was all the way down to 71!!!

Wow, what a difference! I'm so surprised that 3 or 4 months of running would have such an effect on my cardiovascular system. Can you imagine what getting up to marathon level would do? Right now my longest run has been 9 miles. 26 miles, wow, I will be able to exert myself like a freight train!

Hey Tim, thats great news! Thats a substantial drop in pulse. How is the weight management going? Barry
Congrats! Saw you on twitter talking about the Vegas Half Marathon in December.
I took up running over the summer after realizing how out of shape I've become... and I've also been amazed at the drastic improvements!
I've lost about 25 pounds (mostly from diet changes, but the exercise helps), and went from barely being able to run for 5 minutes to running 2 5K races, planning on the Vegas Half then a Full in San Diego next year.
You can do it! Congrats!
My training team is considering doing the San Diego Rock n Roll marathon this June.
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