Well, I really have to congratulate Barack Obama on a clear victory last night. And to all his supporters, especially to black Americans, this can do nothing but make them feel they are a solid part of the American story.

I was dismayed when I saw that McCain lost and was getting close to panicking when I heard two co-workers say it was a landslide. For a couple hours the implications were staggering me. But I looked it up in Wikipedia when I got home and was relieved to find out an electoral landslide was more like Reagan's 489 to Carter's 49, much different from Obama's current 349 to McCain's 161.
Whew, so, America is not giving the Democrats a mandate from the people. They haven't totally repudiated conservatism, the Republican Party and Sarah Palin completely.

Then the fears swirled around in my head: economic ruin, military defeats, no freedom of speech from the fairness doctrine, self-prostituting judges, 24 hour Chris Matthews and a return to partial birth abortions, among others....
Then came the impulse to declare myself as Obama's loyal opposition, veeeery loyal to him and veeeery opposed to his every liberal thrust. That brought me to thinking more and more about the future which caused me to consider the past. What's the best thing to do when losing a battle? Counterattack!

In my opinion, the best response we could take following a disaster of a liberal presidency after he totally tanks the economy- and I'm not talking 6% unemployment and one quarter of economic downturn, like we have now, I'm talking about double digit unemployment, widespread company bankruptcies, quarter after quarter of negative growth, sort of like stagflation under Jimmy Carter, where the whole country is dominated by a general malaise, then it would be up to us to reassert conservative principles into the public narrative.

So, God help us, true Republican reformers in 2012, like Sarah Palin, people who have already KICKED corrupt Republican ASS, can lay into the Republican leadership and the Democrats too, reform government on the federal level and usher in a new Reaganism, that may just provide decades, once again, of freedom and economic prosperity. It could just happen.


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Couldn't agree with you more. It's time to figure out who will be the 2012 Conservative President, and start that process now!
The people who voted for Obama largely do not understand the implications of redistributing the wealth. This incents the opposite kinds of things you desire in a civilized society, and penalize disciplined decisions and personal achievement. It's a tip of the had to mediocrity.
And besides he's NOT black, and from what I've read, I don't actually believe his US birth certificate is real. His great aunt says she was with his mother when he was born in KENYA.
Great post, and I agree. This was a pendulum swing, and it will swing back toward Conservatism. In the meantime, this is an opportunity for the conservative movement to purge big government fake-conservatives from the movement (like Bush and McCain, quite frankly), gain ground and learn to actually teach people the principles. They're about to find out that leftist policies don't work too well. If conservatives can learn to cut through the media spin, we'll come back in droves.
This is a center-right country and proof of that is the fact that Obama had to move toward the right to win.
Oh, and Palin will be back. She has a bright future and she was one of the few things McCain did right in this campaign.
I for one am in shock but all we can do is pray & hold onto the word! Romans 8:28 is so important right now plus to pray for the Obama & Biden families as well as this great country of ours. The people in the OT asked for a king until they got one & look where that got them! Will be interesting to see how everyone who voted for him reacts in the days to come. Reminds me of the Pied Piper. He played beautiful music & the rats followed not aware of what awaited them. People listened to words without researching. Sad! GOD BLESS THE USA!!! Pray People Pray!!!
I think in order for any change to happen the people have to be ready for it. And i think conservatives need to stop assuming Obama is going to tank the economy. What would have happened during the great depression if republicans were left in charge? They all thought Roosevelt was crazy getting government that involved in peoples lives..and we all know how that turned out. A negative outlook on the future is not going to get us anywhere. Also i think everyone has to be willing to make sacrifices. I think everyone wants change and reform to happen..as long as they personally dont have to be inconvenienced. The fact is this crises effects all of is..and we're going to have to get out of it together. Negative attitudes towards the future..or just waiting for 4 years to be up so we can elect a conservative president is not going to help us fix things right now.
Response to Anonymous:
My dear, sweet, albeit liberal, adopted daughter, you should have told me it was you, silly rabbit! Here's my response.
Obama will tank the economy if he raises taxes at any time, especially during this economic crisis- that's just plain common sense. He even admitted to such weeks ago, that he may have to curb his tax raising impulses. Actually, honey, Roosevelt most likely made the Great Depression even worse with his federal government interventions, so that turnout could have been MUCH better.
I remember Jimmy Carter's mess and, believe me, Obama has espoused more liberal ideas that Carter, so pessimism is not uncalled for here. As far as making sacrifices, I am happy to make them when I want to, not when Big Government tells me too. It's called freedom. The change and reform I want to happen is get federal intervention the hell out of our lives.
This economic downturn is nothing but the result of the failed policies of liberal governing: THEY started the Fannie Mae debacle first thru Carter's Community Reinvestment Act which Bill Clinton gave more power to and Barney Frank and Chris Dodds, among other liberal Democrats further empowered, and stop the regulation of Fannie and Freddie that the Republicans, like Bush (and his Fed Reserve Chairman, Greenspan), McCain and several others, tried to enact against these sub prime mortgage punks. You can see the youtube videos of the Dems totally resisting the Repubs attempts to regulate here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs.
So, we see clearly that liberalism caused this economic crisis which actually PUSHED Obama into the White House. Talk about cruel irony! And more liberalism which is coming down the pike is just gonna exacerbate our troubles, perhaps leading us into a true depression. So, one cannot blame conservatives for eagerly anticipating a huge comeback in 2012. It truly is our only hope.
Now, I must clarify here, I am totally determined not to engage in mindless Obama Derangement Syndrome like the Left has done the past 8 years where they oppose EVERYTHING Bush did, to a degree that can only be characterized as downright evil. No, I am completely committed to being Obama's loyal opposition, as many of my fellow conservatives are, as I stated in my blog post. I will stand with a man when he is right and part with him when he is wrong- Abraham Lincoln.
And to close, I must say I do love you, my sweet adopted daughter, and I am confident of your affections. Talk to ya later, mwah!
Excellent post! I'm all for Palin for anything. . .
Anonymous - you really need to read the real history of the depression - FDR made it longer with his plan. . . not the other way around. Poor revisionist. . .
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